Acceptance of Your Own Evolution

As individuals we must accept and come into agreement with our own personal evolution. We expand, we grow, we change, we learn. A personal struggle I used to have was this yearning desire for my innocence to come back. It would eat at me, and I had this anger towards myself for not being able… Continue reading Acceptance of Your Own Evolution


We experience, and perceive, create beliefs, mentalities, fears, and our entire reality. We realize what we’ve created and our power to change it, so we begin the healing process while still holding on to certain fears because we are too afraid to let go. The thought of taking our guards down in certain areas is… Continue reading Freedom

People Change

People change. People are in a constant evolution. People go through different seasons, seasons in which take them down different paths. People fall. People grow. People are made to change, made to create and destroy, made to be shifting and moving energies. Someone said to me once “when someone shows you who they are, believe… Continue reading People Change


I have been very absent on here as of late. Things haven’t been too easy. I am in the third trimester of pregnancy with my sweet little girl and around this time of year there have been a lot of trials and upheavals. It seems my subconscious knows this, remembers this, and has a tendency… Continue reading Untitled


Today I decided I want to be a doctor, a naturopathic doctor to be specific. It is what I have wanted to do for several years now but I ruled it out for myself because of my circumstances. I had the belief system that since I have a son, don’t come from a wealthy family… Continue reading Untitled


There is a certain word called faith, it is commonly associated with religion and a belief system. Sometimes it gets a negative connotation, but let me go a little deeper into the power and meaning of this word. Faith is about trust, hope, belief, and even peace. It is about giving up your own control,… Continue reading Faith

The Pull To Fear

Yesterday life really taught me something. With some honesty, I have been experiencing a bit of a strange phase in my own mentality and emotional well being. I began to feel better than ever, my head was feeling clearer, my heart felt more connected, I felt energy and vitality, motivation, everything seemed to be more… Continue reading The Pull To Fear

One Of Those Days

There are days where I wish I could search on google “how to be happy” and find a five minute fix to problems I have created or allowed. Some days I am tired and I just want someone or something else to solve everything for me. Recently I had one of those days, one of… Continue reading One Of Those Days

What is Self Love?

Self love is not about thinking you’re the shit. I suffered from anorexia for thirteen years and so of course I have learned all about the importance of self love. If you look into it, it’s all about selfies and “knowing your worth.” This is not self love, because it is still about finding a… Continue reading What is Self Love?

Daily Inspiration

Photo by luizclas on

This morning I listened to this beautiful talk by a woman named Tomomi Becot about living in the present. She explained how every single moment in our lives is beautiful and valuable because it will be over in a flash. This deeply resonated with me because it is common to have a dialogue of what… Continue reading Daily Inspiration

The Value of Pain

This is what persevering through pain has provided; The mentality of gratitude, humility, strength, joy in the simple things, living passionately, wisdom…. It’s been an exploratory journey, which led to awakening, it shed light on the difference between band-aids and genuine healing, it brought compassion, and the ability to truly be able to help others… Continue reading The Value of Pain

Self Compassion

Self compassion is the antidote to the inner critic, the ego, and feelings of not being good enough. It can be very difficult to cultivate self compassion, especially when you feel as though you don’t deserve it. Something that helps vastly is the realization that your thoughts and beliefs manifest, therefore, when you judge yourself… Continue reading Self Compassion

This is Life

We come into our bodies with no guarantees. We start shaping our perceptions-beliefs-realities. We experience life and the emotions that come along with it, pain, joy, fear, love.. We encounter rock bottoms, to encounter wisdom. We fall low, so we can fly higher. We grow and evolve. We are here to love and create, and… Continue reading This is Life

Creation or Destruction

We have the power to create and destroy. Love is creation, fear is destruction. A fear based mentality is the source of ego, hatred, resentment, envy, low self esteem, insecurity, jealousy, deceit, materialism, emptiness. Fear will destroy your relationships. Fear will destroy your ability to go after your dreams. Fear will destroy your ability to… Continue reading Creation or Destruction

Yin Yang

The art of letting something in, goes hand and hand with the art of letting go. To open up, invite, and expect new experiences and opportunities you must close the doors of the old ones as well. The Yin Yang, a symbol of balance, of one factor, and it’s opposite, is also very symbolic of… Continue reading Yin Yang


Most things in our minds have a path, one connection that lead to another, that lead to another, and then comes a belief or perception, something that integrates into our thought pattern, behaviors, personality. Then there are those things that explode your mind, there wasn’t a direct path there, a chronological series of perceptions and… Continue reading Trauma